Friday, July 13, 2007

Sylvia Browne

Though there will be no order to the listings, if there were I'm sure Sylvia would be right up there battling for first. For those few of you who don't know who this woman is....well, yes, she claims she's psychic. If you want to see just how wretched she is, tune in to one of Montel Williams' shows. You will not believe how bad she pretentious....and worst of all how evil.
Families of loved ones who have been kidnapped or are missing come on the program to find out what happened to their loved ones. These poor truly sad people are so desperate to find out information that they come on The Montel Williams' Show, of all places, for cryin' out loud. These folks are truly grieving, in distress, frantic, emotionally tortured, and truly at their wits' end. And, what do they get....Sylvia Browne. I truly can't adequately describe how wretched she is. If you don't believe me, watch the show.
I'm sure some of these people actually believe in psychics; however, some are driven to the program in desperation.
Quite casually she throws out a bunch of bullshit....oh, they are dead. Sorry. They are buried near water. Blah, blah, blah.... No compassion. No sympathy. No empathy. Absolutely nothing. Please go to the Web site, Stop Sylvia Browne. Robert Lancaster has done a terrific job...and restrains himself in a mature manner and presents the information as a truly dedicated professional.
On the Montel Williams' Show she has told parents that their child is dead (when they aren't), and has told parents their child is alive (and they aren't).
Most of the time when I read about people is sad. Regardless of who or the circumstances. But, I'm tell you one thing...if someone had to die today and I had to pick, well..........
The only thing worse than believing in psychics is to believe in Sylvia Browne....
My Mom always said that you should never make fun of how a person looks. Yep, she said God created us all and that's that.
Sorry, Mom. Sylvia Browne, in addition to being a dreadful human being is a dreadful looking person....too much make up and those talon-like tacky store-bought fingernails.
Sylvia Browne...I don't believe in hell. Well, not until this moment. Hey, I'm going to put in bad word for you with the guy upstairs. Sylvia Browne, if I believed in what comes around goes around I would know for sure that you have a front row reserved seat in Hell: to burn and rot forever. You are a truly wretched person.