Yes, Larry King the CNN talk-show host definitively qualifies for inclusion on this list. He has a long history of having psychics and faith healers on his show. He never actually makes a concerted effort to have these charlatans prove their claims. Here's a letter I sent him.
January 15, 2007
Hi Mr. King,
Obviously I know nothing about you other than having seen you on TV a few times. You seem like a pleasant fellow and I assume that you’re sincere in your programming. However, when you have Benny Hinn on your program and don’t make him prove his claims, you are doing your viewers an extreme disservice. Benny Hinn is a fraud, period. He’s never healed anyone and never will. If he can heal people why doesn’t he go to hospitals and heal those folks. By him being on your program some of your viewers feel that you are offering him a type of legitimacy. I also think I may have seen Sylvia Browne on your program. Another fraud. She’s as psychic as you and I are.
Please, Mr. King, if you must have these kinds of people on your program….put them to the test.
Wishing you well, and continued success in all of your endeavors, I remain
A sometime viewer……