Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Letter to Sylvia Browne's Lawyer

February 12, 2007

Cheryl Hodgson, Esq.
Hodgson Law Group
9606 Santa Monica Blvd., Third Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

re: Sylvia Browne

Dear Ms. Hodgson,

I read with interest your letter to Robert Lancaster concerning his web site StopSylviaBrowne. Ms. Hodgson, there are many of us out here who are quite upset and angry about our gullable citizens being duped by people like Sylvia Browne. Towards that end I have added a Worlds Worst Persons section to my web site. No, it's surely not as professionally polished as Mr. Lancaster's, but hey, you work with what you have.

The catalyst for my starting the web site is quite personal; however, my life was permanently damaged indirectly by all the so-called New Age...well, stuff. My interests are more toward the bogus so-called alternative and complimentary medicine scams. However, the psychics, though I wasn't effected by them are either truly horrible people or mentally ill, or a combination. How anyone can look another human in the eye and fake telling them what a departed loved one is thinking or where they are or even if a missing person is alive...well, what more can I say.

Though I'm obviously not an attorney, and have no idea of the pressures that at times may determine how you guys choose customers,, defending someone who charges $700 for a few minutes and tells you the names of your angels??? Gee, whiz. Hmmm.

Anyway, Ms. Hodgson, here's the link to my page that mentions Sylvia Browne . I read it pretty carefully several times and can't see anything that would be actionable (is that the proper term?). Even if there is something there; hey, I'm 67 and on full social security, I'd be dead by the time it finally came to trial. Gosh, just remembered, Old Sylvia could come after me after I'm dead.

In closing Ms. Hodgson, I mean no disrespect toward you mam, but can't you see how people like Sylvia Browne are harming our society? People making life decisions based on what these whack jobs tell them.... Ms. Hodgson, Mam, stand back and take a look here.... Please.

Wishing you well, I remain



PS. Just reread this letter, and want to assure you I'm not trying to taunt you....there are just a bunch of us out here really angry about how people are being taken advantage of. As I always say, a robber jamming a pistol in your face and taking your money is far more honest than the Sylvia Brownes of the world......