Here's a letter I sent them.
January 26, 2007 Re: Court TV….Psychic Detectives….Carol Pate
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I’m not psychic, I have no idea whether you are well-intentioned or not by running this series. I have spent several years searching the Internet and reading 15 plus books and have yet to find any information that would remotely suggest that there is such a thing as a psychic. No telling how many folks claim they are psychics and have psychic web sites…I would imagine thousands. However, The James Randi Education Foundation has $1,000,000 on deposit and will give it to the first person who can prove they are a psychic. Hey, how about Ms. Pate? Why hasn’t she collected the million bucks?
You folks are truly doing your viewers a disservice by having programs of this type. Sadly, most viewers will actually think that Ms. Pate is psychic. You are adding legitimacy to something that is not legitimate in any way. You are facilitating people believing in things that aren’t true or real. This is destructive to society.
For the producers of this show….do you really believe this stuff or have you prostituted yourselves, so to speak, to sell the public more pap? I urge you to spend a few minutes with James Randi.
If you actually want to do something of value, have Mr. Randi and Ms. Pate on your program and let her prove she is psychic.
In closing, please stop this kind of programming. It’s one thing to have programming that is poorly done, has no entertainment value, and what-have-you…but to be the driving force in perpetuating, well…for lack of better words…magical thinking is truly evil.
Please folks, knock it off. Do you really need the money this badly? Can you really look yourself in the mirror and be proud of being a part of bringing this program to TV? Shame on you if you can.
If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for hearing me out.
PS. You might want to check out Ms. Pate’s website. She claims she works on more than 500 murder cases a year. Hmmmm. Let’s see. If we assume that she works six days a week, takes off only seven days a year for vacation and sick time, and doesn’t work for six holidays (52 weeks X 6 days=312-7-6=299)….that would be working on about 1.6 new murders a day. Hmmmm.