February 12, 2007
Cheryl Hodgson, Esq.
Hodgson Law Group
9606 Santa Monica Blvd., Third Floor
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
re: Sylvia Browne
Dear Ms. Hodgson,
I read with interest your letter to Robert Lancaster concerning his web site StopSylviaBrowne. Ms. Hodgson, there are many of us out here who are quite upset and angry about our gullable citizens being duped by people like Sylvia Browne. Towards that end I have added a Worlds Worst Persons section to my web site. No, it's surely not as professionally polished as Mr. Lancaster's, but hey, you work with what you have.
The catalyst for my starting the web site is quite personal; however, my life was permanently damaged indirectly by all the so-called New Age...well, stuff. My interests are more toward the bogus so-called alternative and complimentary medicine scams. However, the psychics, though I wasn't effected by them are either truly horrible people or mentally ill, or a combination. How anyone can look another human in the eye and fake telling them what a departed loved one is thinking or where they are or even if a missing person is alive...well, what more can I say.
Though I'm obviously not an attorney, and have no idea of the pressures that at times may determine how you guys choose customers, but...wow, defending someone who charges $700 for a few minutes and tells you the names of your angels??? Gee, whiz. Hmmm.
Anyway, Ms. Hodgson, here's the link to my page that mentions Sylvia Browne http://georgecallender.tripod.com/psychicworst.html . I read it pretty carefully several times and can't see anything that would be actionable (is that the proper term?). Even if there is something there; hey, I'm 67 and on full social security, I'd be dead by the time it finally came to trial. Gosh, just remembered, Old Sylvia could come after me after I'm dead.
In closing Ms. Hodgson, I mean no disrespect toward you mam, but can't you see how people like Sylvia Browne are harming our society? People making life decisions based on what these whack jobs tell them.... Ms. Hodgson, Mam, stand back and take a look here.... Please.
Wishing you well, I remain
PS. Just reread this letter, and want to assure you I'm not trying to taunt you....there are just a bunch of us out here really angry about how people are being taken advantage of. As I always say, a robber jamming a pistol in your face and taking your money is far more honest than the Sylvia Brownes of the world......
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Larry King: yes, that Larry King
Yes, Larry King the CNN talk-show host definitively qualifies for inclusion on this list. He has a long history of having psychics and faith healers on his show. He never actually makes a concerted effort to have these charlatans prove their claims. Here's a letter I sent him.
January 15, 2007
Hi Mr. King,
Obviously I know nothing about you other than having seen you on TV a few times. You seem like a pleasant fellow and I assume that you’re sincere in your programming. However, when you have Benny Hinn on your program and don’t make him prove his claims, you are doing your viewers an extreme disservice. Benny Hinn is a fraud, period. He’s never healed anyone and never will. If he can heal people why doesn’t he go to hospitals and heal those folks. By him being on your program some of your viewers feel that you are offering him a type of legitimacy. I also think I may have seen Sylvia Browne on your program. Another fraud. She’s as psychic as you and I are.
Please, Mr. King, if you must have these kinds of people on your program….put them to the test.
Wishing you well, and continued success in all of your endeavors, I remain
A sometime viewer……
January 15, 2007
Hi Mr. King,
Obviously I know nothing about you other than having seen you on TV a few times. You seem like a pleasant fellow and I assume that you’re sincere in your programming. However, when you have Benny Hinn on your program and don’t make him prove his claims, you are doing your viewers an extreme disservice. Benny Hinn is a fraud, period. He’s never healed anyone and never will. If he can heal people why doesn’t he go to hospitals and heal those folks. By him being on your program some of your viewers feel that you are offering him a type of legitimacy. I also think I may have seen Sylvia Browne on your program. Another fraud. She’s as psychic as you and I are.
Please, Mr. King, if you must have these kinds of people on your program….put them to the test.
Wishing you well, and continued success in all of your endeavors, I remain
A sometime viewer……
Court TV's Psychic Detectives
Here's a letter I sent them.
January 26, 2007 Re: Court TV….Psychic Detectives….Carol Pate
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I’m not psychic, I have no idea whether you are well-intentioned or not by running this series. I have spent several years searching the Internet and reading 15 plus books and have yet to find any information that would remotely suggest that there is such a thing as a psychic. No telling how many folks claim they are psychics and have psychic web sites…I would imagine thousands. However, The James Randi Education Foundation has $1,000,000 on deposit and will give it to the first person who can prove they are a psychic. Hey, how about Ms. Pate? Why hasn’t she collected the million bucks?
You folks are truly doing your viewers a disservice by having programs of this type. Sadly, most viewers will actually think that Ms. Pate is psychic. You are adding legitimacy to something that is not legitimate in any way. You are facilitating people believing in things that aren’t true or real. This is destructive to society.
For the producers of this show….do you really believe this stuff or have you prostituted yourselves, so to speak, to sell the public more pap? I urge you to spend a few minutes with James Randi. http://www.randi.org/
If you actually want to do something of value, have Mr. Randi and Ms. Pate on your program and let her prove she is psychic.
In closing, please stop this kind of programming. It’s one thing to have programming that is poorly done, has no entertainment value, and what-have-you…but to be the driving force in perpetuating, well…for lack of better words…magical thinking is truly evil.
Please folks, knock it off. Do you really need the money this badly? Can you really look yourself in the mirror and be proud of being a part of bringing this program to TV? Shame on you if you can.
If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for hearing me out.
PS. You might want to check out Ms. Pate’s website. She claims she works on more than 500 murder cases a year. Hmmmm. Let’s see. If we assume that she works six days a week, takes off only seven days a year for vacation and sick time, and doesn’t work for six holidays (52 weeks X 6 days=312-7-6=299)….that would be working on about 1.6 new murders a day. Hmmmm.
January 26, 2007 Re: Court TV….Psychic Detectives….Carol Pate
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
As I’m not psychic, I have no idea whether you are well-intentioned or not by running this series. I have spent several years searching the Internet and reading 15 plus books and have yet to find any information that would remotely suggest that there is such a thing as a psychic. No telling how many folks claim they are psychics and have psychic web sites…I would imagine thousands. However, The James Randi Education Foundation has $1,000,000 on deposit and will give it to the first person who can prove they are a psychic. Hey, how about Ms. Pate? Why hasn’t she collected the million bucks?
You folks are truly doing your viewers a disservice by having programs of this type. Sadly, most viewers will actually think that Ms. Pate is psychic. You are adding legitimacy to something that is not legitimate in any way. You are facilitating people believing in things that aren’t true or real. This is destructive to society.
For the producers of this show….do you really believe this stuff or have you prostituted yourselves, so to speak, to sell the public more pap? I urge you to spend a few minutes with James Randi. http://www.randi.org/
If you actually want to do something of value, have Mr. Randi and Ms. Pate on your program and let her prove she is psychic.
In closing, please stop this kind of programming. It’s one thing to have programming that is poorly done, has no entertainment value, and what-have-you…but to be the driving force in perpetuating, well…for lack of better words…magical thinking is truly evil.
Please folks, knock it off. Do you really need the money this badly? Can you really look yourself in the mirror and be proud of being a part of bringing this program to TV? Shame on you if you can.
If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for hearing me out.
PS. You might want to check out Ms. Pate’s website. She claims she works on more than 500 murder cases a year. Hmmmm. Let’s see. If we assume that she works six days a week, takes off only seven days a year for vacation and sick time, and doesn’t work for six holidays (52 weeks X 6 days=312-7-6=299)….that would be working on about 1.6 new murders a day. Hmmmm.
Rosemary Altea: yes, another self-proclaimed psychic/medium
First learned of Ms. Altea when she was on Anderson Cooper (CNN) in late January 2007, along with James Randi. As I best remember, Ms. Altea said that when she did a reading she “looked for” a deceased family member to give her information. Hmmm. Ms. Altea has a “spirit” guide, Grey Eagle. I guess when she has “bad hits” she can always blame it on Grey Eagle (I would).
When confronted by James Randi, she tried the old misdirection, and went on a rant about Mr. Randi being an atheist, as if that has anything to do with anything. Come to think of it, I think Browne’s representative did the same thing. She also used the old “I don’t have to prove anything to you.” The most pathetic thing about the interview was when she started talking about having to be ethical as a psychic??? Ethical??? I’ve always said that a robber has more ethics. They jam a gun in your face and take your money. No hocus pocus.
If you read Altea's web site it will become readily apparent that she is a true humanitarian. I guess that part of this is her free "absent healing." Here's what her web site has to say about this "service." "Once you have registered for absent healing, Rosemary and her team of healers send their prayers daily. As you receive healing, know that you are in our thoughts. Please Note: There are no guarantees that healing will work to aid you physically, we can only promise our healing prayers, and let God do the rest. Our association believes, however, that healing always works, even though it may not heal the physical self, our prayers to God bring the light of healing and the light of love to the spirit and to the soul and hopefully, the physical self responds likewise." Hey, this is a pretty safe guarantee. Altea can't lose on this one. I would imagine that there are thousands of gullible, naive, and desperate people who will sign up for this service. As many, if not most of our illnesses and sicknesses will get better without any medical intervention, everyone who signs up and gets better will give old Altea credit. For those with illnesses that don't get better, well you'll get the old light of healing to the spirit. Hmmm.
Equally as fascinating as who the people are who seek the services of people like Ms. Altea, is who are people like Ms. Altea; that is, how can these people do this? How can a person look someone in the eye and tell them what their deceased mom is saying and so on. The best I can come up with is that they are mentally ill, and actually think they have these so-called abilities, or just outright crooks or a combination of the two. Would be glad to hear anyone else's thoughts on this.
When confronted by James Randi, she tried the old misdirection, and went on a rant about Mr. Randi being an atheist, as if that has anything to do with anything. Come to think of it, I think Browne’s representative did the same thing. She also used the old “I don’t have to prove anything to you.” The most pathetic thing about the interview was when she started talking about having to be ethical as a psychic??? Ethical??? I’ve always said that a robber has more ethics. They jam a gun in your face and take your money. No hocus pocus.
If you read Altea's web site it will become readily apparent that she is a true humanitarian. I guess that part of this is her free "absent healing." Here's what her web site has to say about this "service." "Once you have registered for absent healing, Rosemary and her team of healers send their prayers daily. As you receive healing, know that you are in our thoughts. Please Note: There are no guarantees that healing will work to aid you physically, we can only promise our healing prayers, and let God do the rest. Our association believes, however, that healing always works, even though it may not heal the physical self, our prayers to God bring the light of healing and the light of love to the spirit and to the soul and hopefully, the physical self responds likewise." Hey, this is a pretty safe guarantee. Altea can't lose on this one. I would imagine that there are thousands of gullible, naive, and desperate people who will sign up for this service. As many, if not most of our illnesses and sicknesses will get better without any medical intervention, everyone who signs up and gets better will give old Altea credit. For those with illnesses that don't get better, well you'll get the old light of healing to the spirit. Hmmm.
Equally as fascinating as who the people are who seek the services of people like Ms. Altea, is who are people like Ms. Altea; that is, how can these people do this? How can a person look someone in the eye and tell them what their deceased mom is saying and so on. The best I can come up with is that they are mentally ill, and actually think they have these so-called abilities, or just outright crooks or a combination of the two. Would be glad to hear anyone else's thoughts on this.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Michael Vick and All Others of His Ilk......
Will not waste anymore time on this one....truly wretched evil beings....
Friday, July 13, 2007
Montel Williams
Yes, he is the pimp for Sylvia Browne. How he can have her on his show is beyond me. I just don't get it. Montel, do ratings mean that much to you? A prostitute has more ethics...as they will draw the line somewhere. You don't Montel. I just don't know how you can look yourself in the mirror knowing what you do. In fact, you are most likely worse than Sylvia. You know better. Yes, a truly wretched human being. That you are.
Sylvia Browne
Though there will be no order to the listings, if there were I'm sure Sylvia would be right up there battling for first. For those few of you who don't know who this woman is....well, yes, she claims she's psychic. If you want to see just how wretched she is, tune in to one of Montel Williams' shows. You will not believe how bad she is...how phony...how pretentious....and worst of all how evil.
Families of loved ones who have been kidnapped or are missing come on the program to find out what happened to their loved ones. These poor truly sad people are so desperate to find out information that they come on The Montel Williams' Show, of all places, for cryin' out loud. These folks are truly grieving, in distress, frantic, emotionally tortured, and truly at their wits' end. And, what do they get....Sylvia Browne. I truly can't adequately describe how wretched she is. If you don't believe me, watch the show.
I'm sure some of these people actually believe in psychics; however, some are driven to the program in desperation.
Quite casually she throws out a bunch of bullshit....oh, they are dead. Sorry. They are buried near water. Blah, blah, blah.... No compassion. No sympathy. No empathy. Absolutely nothing. Please go to the Web site, Stop Sylvia Browne. Robert Lancaster has done a terrific job...and restrains himself in a mature manner and presents the information as a truly dedicated professional.
On the Montel Williams' Show she has told parents that their child is dead (when they aren't), and has told parents their child is alive (and they aren't).
Most of the time when I read about people dying...it is sad. Regardless of who or the circumstances. But, I'm tell you one thing...if someone had to die today and I had to pick, well..........
The only thing worse than believing in psychics is to believe in Sylvia Browne....
My Mom always said that you should never make fun of how a person looks. Yep, she said God created us all and that's that.
Sorry, Mom. Sylvia Browne, in addition to being a dreadful human being is a dreadful looking person....too much make up and those talon-like tacky store-bought fingernails.
Sylvia Browne...I don't believe in hell. Well, not until this moment. Hey, I'm going to put in bad word for you with the guy upstairs. Sylvia Browne, if I believed in what comes around goes around I would know for sure that you have a front row reserved seat in Hell: to burn and rot forever. You are a truly wretched person.
Families of loved ones who have been kidnapped or are missing come on the program to find out what happened to their loved ones. These poor truly sad people are so desperate to find out information that they come on The Montel Williams' Show, of all places, for cryin' out loud. These folks are truly grieving, in distress, frantic, emotionally tortured, and truly at their wits' end. And, what do they get....Sylvia Browne. I truly can't adequately describe how wretched she is. If you don't believe me, watch the show.
I'm sure some of these people actually believe in psychics; however, some are driven to the program in desperation.
Quite casually she throws out a bunch of bullshit....oh, they are dead. Sorry. They are buried near water. Blah, blah, blah.... No compassion. No sympathy. No empathy. Absolutely nothing. Please go to the Web site, Stop Sylvia Browne. Robert Lancaster has done a terrific job...and restrains himself in a mature manner and presents the information as a truly dedicated professional.
On the Montel Williams' Show she has told parents that their child is dead (when they aren't), and has told parents their child is alive (and they aren't).
Most of the time when I read about people dying...it is sad. Regardless of who or the circumstances. But, I'm tell you one thing...if someone had to die today and I had to pick, well..........
The only thing worse than believing in psychics is to believe in Sylvia Browne....
My Mom always said that you should never make fun of how a person looks. Yep, she said God created us all and that's that.
Sorry, Mom. Sylvia Browne, in addition to being a dreadful human being is a dreadful looking person....too much make up and those talon-like tacky store-bought fingernails.
Sylvia Browne...I don't believe in hell. Well, not until this moment. Hey, I'm going to put in bad word for you with the guy upstairs. Sylvia Browne, if I believed in what comes around goes around I would know for sure that you have a front row reserved seat in Hell: to burn and rot forever. You are a truly wretched person.
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